Sky Go Apple M1

Sky Go Apple M1


Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
iMac 27', iPhone 4, iTouch.

Sky Go Apple M1 Plus

Sky Go Apple M1
Once more I come to this forum for help / re-assurance.
I currently watch SKy Go on my iPhone but want to add my new iMac to the valid devices. I have logged on to the relevant Sky page but it prompts me to install 'Microsoft Silverlight' to enable me to watch Sky Go on my Mac.
My questions are :
(1) Is this how other people are watching SKy Go on their Macs ?
(I am overly sensitive about adding additional plug ins etc to me new Mac as in the PC world (from where I have come) I have always feared clashes and conflicts with installing lots of new drivers.
(2) If I proceed the installer wants to install this at the root level of the hard drive 'Macintosh HD'. Is this the correct place or should I be storing it in a relevant sub-directory ?
Hope all that makes sense. Comments are, as always, very much appreciated.


  1. Re: Sky Go Mac M1 Support ‎15 Feb 2021 12:35 PM - last edited: ‎15 Feb 2021 12:42 PM Like @Neroli above, if you persist, you will enventually get to odd messages like Javascript errors but just say OK to those and click on the continue button where it says you will be signed out and lose any saved positions (I.
  2. 2 days ago  If you’re old enough to remember the release of the original iMac, then you surely have the image of those rainbow-colored blobs burned into the back of your brain.And nearly 23 years later, Apple is going back to the beginning as its inspiration for the new iMac featuring the M1 chip. Available in 7 colors — red, orange, yellow, teal, blue, purple and silver — these shades are a nod to.
  3. The Sky Go desktop app makes it even easier for you to find the programmes you want to watch. And with Sky Mobile, you can watch Sky TV on the go without using your data. Sky Go is included at no extra cost to your Sky TV subscription.
  4. AirPlay doesn't work with sky go for obvious reasons, as it's also possible to block mirroring from working, sky may have already blocked that, but I really don't know. More Less Jan 3, 2012 8:44 AM.
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Your Mac's Specs
iMac 27', iPhone 4, iTouch.

Sky Go Apple Mac M1

Sky Go Watch TV on any device. click to open detail panel.

Sky Go Apple M1 Review

Once more I come to this forum for help / re-assurance.
I currently watch SKy Go on my iPhone but want to add my new iMac to the valid devices. I have logged on to the relevant Sky page but it prompts me to install 'Microsoft Silverlight' to enable me to watch Sky Go on my Mac.
My questions are :
(1) Is this how other people are watching SKy Go on their Macs ?
(I am overly sensitive about adding additional plug ins etc to me new Mac as in the PC world (from where I have come) I have always feared clashes and conflicts with installing lots of new drivers.
(2) If I proceed the installer wants to install this at the root level of the hard drive 'Macintosh HD'. Is this the correct place or should I be storing it in a relevant sub-directory ?
Hope all that makes sense. Comments are, as always, very much appreciated.